Security Differently

An evidence-based practice adapted from safety.

Cybersecurity for Startups and Small Businesses

While attending Twin Cities Startup Week last month, I was inspired to write a whitepaper on cybersecurity for startups and small businesses. Most small organizations don’t have the resources to hire a full-time security expert or even to hire a consultant. Fortunately, the key habits needed for good cybersecurity don’t require specialized security expertise! Our whitepaper covers those key habits in a short 5 page document.

From the introduction:

Organizations must make decisions on how to prioritize cybersecurity against all other investments and operational expenses. This is challenging for organizations of all sizes, but is a special challenge for startups and small businesses where leaders are rightly focused on growing and running their company. This paper describes simple habits that can reduce the largest areas of risk and help avoid taking on security technical debt that will have to be repaid later.

Download our whitepaper here: Cybersecurity for Startups and Small Businesses.